How To Clean A Leather Sofa?

The leather is the strongest material, which is why it’s suitable for the sofa. But leather fabric has some limitations, it’s porous and spills can damage the leather fibres. Thus, Leather Sofa Cleaning should be done carefully. For leather sofa stain removal use of wet wipes or harsh chemical is not necessary, it can ruin the leather fibres and also destroy the shine of leather. Which result in discolouration and dull look of your sofa.

A leather sofa is premium and adds elegance in the house, a small error can destroy all it’s aesthetic and elegance. Therefore, leather sofa cleaning must be done with extra precautions. Moreover, in order to clean the stain from upholstery is not a difficult thing, by following pro tips you can clean the stain and add shine on your leather sofa as well.

Leather Sofa Cleaning
Leather Sofa Cleaning

Leather Sofa Cleaning Tips.

So, here are some tips for leather sofa cleaning, in this blog the easy ways for leather sofa cleaning and leather sofa stain removal tips and tricks are mentioned. If you want to know how one should clean a leather upholstery.

Vacuum Clean The Leather Sofa First.

The sofa must be cleaned by a vacuum cleaner first, because the dust, debris and grimes would interfere when you use cleaner or rub the leather sofa in order to clean it. So, to avoid harming the leather layer vacuum the sofa thoroughly.

Use Commercial Leather Cleaner.

Commercial leather cleaner products are safe on the leather surface, you can purchase one from your nearest store. Now, take a microfibre cloth and dip a small portion of cloth in the cleaner.

Now wipe the sofa with it, and apply the cloth in a circular motion. First, clean the upper side of the sofa then reach to the down and wipe it down completely.

Professional Leather Sofa Cleaning
Professional Leather Sofa Cleaning

Dry The Sofa.

When you’re done with sofa cleaning, take a dry microfiber cloth and slowly wipe down the sofa completely. Do not go fast, slowly wipe down the sofa, put a little bit of pressure. Make sure the sofa is completely dry, also do not use the air blower as it’ll dry the leather fabric which may weaken the leather fibres and durability.

Do The Conditioning Of Your Sofa.

Add some white vinegar in a bowl fill it half then put some linseed oil you can also flaxseed oil. Now, use a clean microfibre cloth and dip it in the solution that you’ve made. Now wipe down the whole leather surface with the cloth, gently wipe it down in a circular motion and reach to every corner and crevices of the leather, and do not use the sofa for 12 hours.

After 12 hours, use a soft cloth and buff the leather sofa using the cloth to give it a shine.

Leather Sofa Stain Removal
Leather Sofa Stain Removal

Call Professionals.

Leather furniture is quite costly especially when the leather is 100% genuine. Leather fabric requires special attention which only a professional upholstery cleaner can give. Squeaky Clean Couch is one of the best professional upholstery cleaning, we are leading companies for leather upholstery cleaning. Switch to our services for all kind of leather sofa stain removal, leather sofa cleaning. We’ve all the services available at exciting prices, visit our website today to get a free estimate for your leather sofa cleaning.